From specifications to final product development, S.T.P.E. can engage its’ expertise and knowledge at all steps of the project.

A new industrial plant, a plant shutdown, the engineering office has to rely on a professional expertise in industrial sealing like STPE to avoid accidents. To inform, find the competences, and look at all the parameters related to the project means that we will improve security. An essential value for all projects with high technical engagement.


Standards change, high security institution, internal practices are inefficient, similar problems happen regularly, technical problems occurred frequently. S.T.P.E. offers to improve your plants performance. Better expertise and understanding, being able to anticipate technical problems on existing facilities, furthermore on older plants or renewed ones, using the right products. Thanks to an expertise of suppliers specifications adapted to the existing standards in order to get safer plants, saving money, and more, protect human being.


There is a technical problem, a ship is damage, installation failed, insurance company controlled plants and request for standards ... The topics are numerous in which STPE's expertise will solve harsh situations.